Periodontal Therapy

Our office in Mississauga is devoted to treating gum disease, minimizing tooth loss, regenerating supporting structures (bone, gingiva, periodontal ligament), and replacing missing teeth with dental implants. Gum disease (periodontal disease, including periodontitis and gingivitis) doesn’t always hurt; but, left untreated, it can permanently change your smile and your bite. Our goal is to provide comprehensive periodontal treatment to ensure the best results and long term health. 

We specialize in non-surgical and surgical treatments with long-term management of gum disease. Our doctors specialize in various gingival grafting techniques aimed at correcting gingival defects, exposing impacted teeth for orthodontic realignment, and biopsying suspicious lesions for pathology analysis. We work closely with your dentist to ensure a healthy foundation for their work.


  • Non-surgical and surgical periodontal treatments

  • Gingival (gum) grafts and frenectomies

  • Exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontic realignment

  • Biopsy of lesions for pathologic laboratory analysis

  • Crown lengthening procedure

  • Supportive periodontal maintenance

  • Other treatments as required

Non-surgical and surgical periodontal treatments

At All Smiles Ahead we know every patient is different, so we’ve developed expertise in a variety of non-surgical and surgical techniques to always provide the best treatment for you. Almost every plan begins with cleaning infected gums to halt the spread of gum disease. Scaling and root planing are pain-free methods of deep cleaning done with local anesthetic. In some cases, gum disease can be stopped with just these techniques. For more advanced cases, surgical treatments can further clean teeth and regenerate previously lost bone. Based on your needs, our doctors will find the best combination of non-surgical and surgical treatments for your smile.

Occlusal Therapy

When teeth have lost bone, their support is compromised and they may start to move or even shift position. If you notice a widening gap between teeth, a tooth dropping down, or a loose feeling when chewing, it may be a sign that your teeth need help. We can often stabilize these changes with non-surgical treatments, including occlusal adjustments, strategic splinting of teeth, and custom night guards.

Gingival (gum) grafts and frenectomies

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure that increases the amount of protective gum around your teeth and covers gingival recessions. Different factors may cause gum recession and identifying them is key to achieving successful outcomes. Dr. Lam Watt and Dr. Hsu are experts in soft tissue management and masters of several gingival grafting techniques. Our doctors will select the most suitable treatment to achieve predictable and lasting results based on your needs.

Exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontic realignment

Sometimes adult teeth just won’t come out and part of your orthodontic treatment may be to uncover them. Our doctors will help expose these impacted teeth and cultivate healthy gums around them to avoid future problems like recession. 

Biopsy of lesions for pathologic laboratory analysis

Going to the dentist is not just about finding cavities. Cancer screening of the head, neck and oral region is an essential component of your dental exam. Our team of professionals are trained to distinguish normal from abnormal tissue, and when necessary, perform biopsies (removal of a tissue sample) of the concerned area for further investigation under microscope.

Crown lengthening procedure

A crown lengthening is often needed to facilitate restorative work such as crowns, veneers, onlays, fillings, and so on. When a cavity (tooth decay) or cracked tooth extends below the gum line, it’s difficult to get the clean and dry tooth surface required for a sealed and lasting bonded restoration. Our doctors collaborate with your dentist by performing a crown lengthening procedure to move back gums and expose healthy tooth structure. This procedure creates clean access and more tooth structure so your dentist can do their best restorative work. 

An esthetic crown lengthening refers to this same procedure, but performed in the smile zone: your front teeth. Some patients have too much gum covering their teeth, resulting in a “gummy smile” which displays very short and wide teeth. Our detail oriented doctors can trim back the extra gum and reveal your previously hidden pearly whites, making sure to recreate symmetry and healthy gum margins. 

Supportive periodontal maintenance

Once periodontal disease is controlled, our patients follow a periodontal maintenance schedule aimed at maintaining treatment results. The schedule is tailored to your individual needs and may vary between 3-, 4-, 6-months and is often adapted as changes occur in your life. Our clinic focuses on keeping a strong foundation for your teeth: healthy gums and healthy jaw bone.